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LawWorks Pro Bono Protocol

IHRC Legal Joins LawWorks Pro Bono Protocol

IHRC Legal is pleased to announce that it has signed up to the LawWorks Pro Bono Protocol, reflecting our ongoing commitment and dedication to making

Image by Freepik Statutory Declaration

What is a Statutory Declaration?

A statutory declaration is a formal written statement that affirms to the truth of specific facts. It is similar to an affidavit; however a statutory

Lapsing Leave and Returning Residents

Navigating the intricacies of immigration law is essential for individuals seeking to establish or maintain their residence in the United Kingdom. One such consideration is

Adam’s Story

Adam was a lecturer at a London university. His employers forced on him a workload over and above what was acceptable according to the university’s

Maryam’s Story

Maryam got a job as a waitress at an Italian restaurant. A few months into her employment the owners of the restaurant began subjecting her

Karen’s Story

Karen’s immigration status was regularised as she was granted ‘leave to remain’ by the Home Office. This was after representations were drafted and sent by

The Windrush Case

Ahmed was born in 1939, and arrived in the UK as a commonwealth citizen in 1970 from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Since arriving in the

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